sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014

Ingeniería Computacional

Estudio de abolladura por el método de pandeo lineal.
Estoy comprobando que el concepto de “Ingeniería Computacional” genera cierta controversia. Por ello, cito a un par de instituciones de máximo prestigio nacional e internacional para que ilustren el concepto.

Según Stanford:
“Computational Engineering
Simulation Aids Rapid Development
With the advent of large-scale computers, computational approaches have become indispensable for characterizing, predicting and simulating physical events and engineering systems. Industrial competitiveness demands reduction in design cycle time which, in turn, relies heavily on numerical simulations to reduce the number of tests of physical prototypes. From the point of view of scientific investigations, one of the great strengths of computer simulations over physical experiments is the ability to study a complete range of physical and temporal scales. That is, one can study in detail physical phenomena that last only a picosecond, or one can move back in time and identify the evolution of interesting physical events.
The Mechanical Engineering Department features many faculty working at the forefront of simulation techniques from several groups.  Faculty from the  Flow Physics & Computational Engineering Group have lead for decades in the simulation of complex transport processes, starting with turbulent fluid mechanics and now ranging from fuel cell chemistry and biomedical devices to high speed aircraft.  Faculty from FPCE play a central role in the continuing presence of large externally funded computational centers in the Department (e.g., the Center for Turbulence Research and the PSAAP).
Faculty from the Mechanics and Computation Group are at the forefront of computational methods, with a particular focus on techniques required for the design of nanoscale devices and nanostructured materials.  Applications range from the motion and transport of molecules and tissue to the atomic-scale physics of material behavior.  Much research is focussed on the special challenge of multi-scale simulations, which are essential for engineering systems containing nanoscale components.
Según el Centro de estudios y experimentación de obras públicas (CEDEX):
“El Área de Ingeniería Computacional se ocupa del desarrollo y la validación  de modelos numéricos y constitutivos, así como su aplicación a la resolución de problemas de ingeniería civil, en las especialidades de ingeniería estructural, ingeniería geotécnica, ingeniería hidráulica, ingeniería marítima e ingeniería ambiental.”

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